People often ask me >>> WHY DO U RUN ?

here is my Answer :

Its not only to get my daily fix of a “Runners High”

but running has many other benefits... read on ...

Running is not just sports " Its SCIENCE "

What is "Runners High" >>

Its a certain feeling of Joy, a sense of achievement.

Runners usually have had the opportunity to experience a state of euphoria while running. While the actual state that they feel varies immensely for each individual there is a common feeling associated with the term "runner's high". When a person is asked about runner's high they typically will say that it a pleasant state that a runner might experience after a certain distance. This in fact may not be true for only runners though. Skiers, surfers, football players and wrestlers all have "highs" or moments when they feel they are working to their maximum potential and feeling on top of the world.

The most obvious aspects to address with runner's high are the biological and psychological aspects that can be associated with it. When the body is put under stress the mind reacts accordingly. This is why endorphins are commonly associated with runner's high. Endorphins are any of a group of opiate proteins with pain-relieving properties that are found naturally in the brain. The word "endorphin" comes from endogenous, meaning "produced within the body" and morphine, a chemical substance derived from opium that elevates mood and reduces pain. Endorphin’s in turn are neurotransmitters that are chemically similar to morphine. It has been realized that the brain responds to morphine and that morphine receptors are in the brain. Knowing that human cells have receptors for this drug suggests that the body produces its own morphine like substances. Endorphines and enkephalins are names given to these neurotransmitters. Through studies with athletes it has been found that endorphine levels increase with exercise. Special interest arose in the possibility that elevated endorphin levels might explain the mood changes that occur during running, in particular the euphoria of the runner's high, and the increased resistance to pain that occurs during exercise.

Mike adds : Here i would like to add that in about 20 min of running all Negative Feelings / Thoughts / Behavior melt away and what remains is just a feeling of achievement, the Positive energy is brought to the fore.

Infact : I would strongly suggest Running for those >>>

1) Under severe stress- work, family feud - whatever.
2) People who are short tempered
3) Violent Behavior
4) Depression
5) Suicidal Tendencies

Running is also commonly associated with “ Adrenaline Addiction “

People who are excessive in their participation in jogging, exercise, bodybuilding, aerobics, sports, skiing, mountain climbing, car racing or flying…airplanes become addicted because of the adrenaline rush from their activity. They describe the 'rush' they get from their activity and feel depressed when they can't participate.
Adrenaline is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland. Most of the adrenaline in the human body is released by the adrenal gland. The adrenal gland is a part of the sympathetic nervous system, a branch of the nervous system that regulates the classic stress response and has numerous roles in other normal body functions. Adrenaline, called epinephrine by scientists in the US, is the major hormone released during the classic stress response (also called the fight-or-flight response), which is why it is often considered a fight-or-flight hormone. It has several actions in the body that make it good at this job: it dilates the pupils to increase the amount of light that enters the eyes, it causes sweating to help dissipate heat, it increases blood flow to the muscles, it increases the heart rate and force of contraction, and it makes glucose available in the blood for use by other organs, it also dilates blood vessels and air passages.
When in the bloodstream, it rapidly prepares the body for action in emergency situations. The hormone boosts the supply of
oxygen and glucose to the brain and muscles, while suppressing other non-emergency bodily processes, digestion in particular, increases heart rate and stroke volume, dilates the pupils, and constricts arterioles in the skin and gastrointestinal tract while dilating arterioles in skeletal muscles. It elevates the blood sugar level by increasing catabolism of glycogen to glucose in the liver, and at the same time begins the breakdown of lipids in fat cells. Like some other stress hormones, epinephrine has a suppressive effect on the immune system.
Any fool can infact run a 100mtrs. sprint, but to run even the half marathon of 21kms. calls in for a lot of hardwork / skill/ patients, and above all the basic knowledge of Running.
Running does not come just by eating certain types of food, nor by popping a pill.

Welcome friends to my world of Running >>> :

The sole purpose of this blog is an attempt to encourage you to take up running on a regular basis & lead a Healthy, Carefree life.

Introduction :

Hi, I am Michael, age 51 years, from THANE / MAHARASHTRA / INDIA, have been running for the past 10 years, I have never been to any running club /& no running coach, due to which gone thru many injuries & spent quite a bit on doctor bills, this included X-Rays, & orthopedic assistance.
The theory I am about to give you now, MAY OR MAY NOT favor you, cause everyone has a different body structure, You will have to experiment & see what works best for you.
The best time to start your running program is during the monsoon season or the next best choice is during the cooler months.
Be Mentally Prepared: I CAN DO IT & that should be your spirit. If you are not mentally prepared then its best not to start in the first place. its pointless to start running then giving up in a day or two just because you have a terrible body ache.
Let me confess that the theory of running given below has been in parts taken directly from the 100's of web pages, each will mention things differently, but i have experimented with all and put together what worked best for me.

ALSO PLEASE OPEN THE LINKS ( IN BLUE ) ON THE LEFT HAND SIDE OF THE BLOG, These are else where on the WORLD WIDE WEB. (hope you see me running in one of these links).
Every thing is ok but in moderation, eat what you like best, Include a lot of Potatoes, Macaroni & Noodles in your food & if eat non veg. you can have white meat. & loads of milk for the calcium. NEVER SKIP Breakfast, which should be Max, include a lot of protein & carbohydrates walking after lunch for at least 10 min is a good idea.
A running body requires twice the calorie intake then a non-running body & if this is not the case, then you will tend to become anemic or will suffer from low blood pressure bouts, dizziness etc. Carbohydrates & Protein is a must for the running body, Carbohydrates are necessary for the production of glycogen which is the substance that will propel you in a marathon,& Protein is the one which help in tissue repair, if any one is missing or / not enough, you will be out of the race even before you know it. Some sources of Carb’s are Potatoes, Dark green leafy vegetables, Peas & Apples. Some sources of Protein are Eggs, White Meat (Chicken). I take a 3 capsule of cord liver oil at 9.30 am that is 2 & a half hour after i have had my breakfast.

To sum it all >> the 3 most important Nutrients in a runners diet should be

1) Plenty of CARBS
2) Some Protein, this requires Vit. C to get properly absorbed by the body.
3) Salts ( Electral ) Drink plenty of water.

Vit. C is essential for the absorption of Proteins & Vit. D is essential for the absorption of Calcium.

Clothes :
Very light cotton clothes, & fairly tight fitting socks, that is during the warmer months & warm clothes during he cooler months, wear loose cotton clothes during the warmer months cause you don't want to carry the extra load of your sweat with you. Do you ? now a days cheap shorts are available on the road side which range from Rs. 10 to 60, which will last for a year or so, these come from out countries like Taiwan, Mexico, USA, etc. these are quite comfortable, but please wash before use.

Shoes :
These are the most important accessories for a good running program, get yourself a good size 2 to 3 bigger then your feet because, after 10 kms your feet will swell to more then their normal size, at this point even the shoes that have not hurt you even after wearing them for a long period of time during your daily run will start to bite like hell & if you are in the race you had it ! , but still you will tend to continue & there will be very little you can do about it at this point in time. Get a good pair of shoes; I wear size 12 shoes, my feet size = 9. which cost me Rs. 1200/- When buying new shoes check that the sole is not hard, it should contain the soft -White part, this is called the Crape Sole, some call it "Runners Sole" & You should be able to press the sole with your thumb. Make sure that you change your shoes as soon as the side cloth comes loose of else you will suffer from leg/ heel injuries.
Sleep :
Make it a point to be in bed latest by 11 pm, or best by 10 pm, if at times it becomes late then skip running the next day, its ok to skip running sometimes, then to have some sort of injury. Max body repair is done while we are asleep, never run if you are feeling really sleepy the previous night.

Keeping the running log :

Its good to keep a track of your running, for that its not necessary to purchase a sophisticated watch, just an road side watch costing just a few hundreds will suffice. i wear a watch which cost me Rs.250/- its water proof, and one battery last 3 years, and gives accurate time, i actually wash the sweaty watch with soap and water after my run, & its guaranteed for 6 months, if a drop of water enters in, just take it to the vendor and it will be replaced with a new one, NO "Q" ASKED.

Starting the run :

DO NOT START RIGHT AWAY >>>but brisk walk for at least 10 min, & try doing some stretching exercises after that, this will warm your body a bit which in turn, prepare your muscles for the run, starting to run right away can lead to injury, so after the warm-up you will be ready to go, when you start running, go as slow as possible, THE SLOWER YOU GO, THE MORE GROUND YOU WILL COVER, & see that you are not out of breath or suffer from mild chest pain, As your body gets used to the long runs, the muscles will tend to store more Energy in the form of Glycogen, which in turn will help in going that extra mile. While running Just remember that you have no medal to win & no one to defeat, & be as comfortable as possible. Start off as slow as possible, say 7 to 8 min per km, & surely you will see yourself going at a faster space as you progress, as you progress your lungs will tend to process more Oxygen which is needed for the body to function as intended.

Doc's Advice :

Dr. Ajit M Natu, an orthopedic Surgeon & a Marathon runner himself has completed the Mumbai Marathon, 21 Kms, Half marathon in 2 hrs / 26 min, and that’s amazing, he is currently runs an Accident & Fracture “Nest Hospital” in THANE, & is treating me for a muscle pull in my calf while running some time early Dec 2007. My advice is, every serious runner should have some guru, or a sports physician who can train you properly, it will cost you a wee bit, but at least you can assure yourself a place in the race.
The Doc. says if you want to run 21 kms. then you should start the run with a 10 kms walk, I SAY " the figures are Exaggerated " what he means that you should have adequate warm up before any workout.
Dr. Natu's photo & ph. Nos. can be seen in the web link on the left hand, in BLUE.
Breathing technique while running:
Breadth control is the most important thing you will have to learn when starting a running program, this is because your lungs are not ready to process the extra oxygen a running body requires, & will have to adapt themselves to the new environment, this will come slowly as you start running, this is what you will observe from the very first day, that your legs can go to great lengths but your lungs do not agree, you will tend to become breathless, so slow down or STOP if you cannot take it anymore. From the very beginning of your running program always breathe & exhale through the mouth, for max. Oxygen intake. But if are out of breadth then you can inhale thru the mouth & exhale thru the nose, this way you can inhale max. oxygen while giving out less, & at times if you are having a strong cold, your lungs will not be able to utilize all the oxygen that you inhale, this can lead to cramps in the chest, at this point you can inhale & exhale thru the nose till the cold has been cleared our completely.

Running in the Rain >>>

Running in the Rain takes a bit of courage especially if you are a starter, but don’t worry of getting wet, it’s very important to make up your mind in the beginning, just tell yourself “ Today I will start running even if it starts raining “cats & dogs” just when stepping out of the house, & directly go out there from Dry-100% to 100% Wet. & I assure that you will have a blast out there, have you ever seen the “Govindas” enjoying themselves in bone wet condition's ?
Wear your usual clothes to run in the rain, same shoes & socks, only after getting back home after your run, rinse your clothes in clean water & hang them to dry, or best wash them, have a Hot water bath.
As for your shoes, put in loads of news paper into them & if soggy wet you can change them after 2 hours, this will give you comfortably dry shoes for the next days run.
Training for the Marathon:

A Marathon is more of mental preparedness then the physical strength. A Marathon totally drains you both physically & mentally so a proper training program is most crucial. Now assuming that you have completed the basic 3 months of basic running program as mentioned above, and that you can comfortably complete an hour or more of non stop running at slow pace, you are now ready to give 21 kms -half Marathon a shot. For this, start with a slow jog for 10 min, for the warm-up, then walk for 5 min. or till your breathing gets back to normal, then do sprint running (aim to cover a km. in 5 min. flat) or as far as you can go at this speed, and again you will realize that you tend to go out of breadth after a short run. Don't over exert your self, if you are out of breath, stop / walk then start again with the sprint, Continue this program on alternate days or 4 days a week, doing it daily will burn you out completely & on holidays go for the long /endurance run, this is the one hour or more of non stop running at slow pace. Say about 7 min per km. or 11 kms per hour. Its not a hard & fast rule that you run 21 kms on holidays to enter the 21 kms half marathon. IF YOU CAN RUN 11 kms non stop at fairly fast pace then you can run the 21 kms comfortably. If you are unable to train on a maidan / stadium and forced to run on the road its best you start latest by 5 am because after that there is bound to be a lot of traffic and pedestrians & surely you dont want to sprint on crowded roads.

DRINK PLENTY of water before / during and after any running program. If you have registered your self for the marathon see that you load yourself with carbohydrates like potatoes, noodles, about 3 hours before the marathon. some runners prefer to eat only fruits before a marathon.
& ELECTRAL* water, this will prevent you from getting cramps in your feet due to sore muscles after an exhausting run.
* ELECRTRAL: this mixture has all the vital salts / minerals & can be brought from any chemist shop.
In case you feel some discomfort after the race you can have 2 COMBIFLAM tabs.

Tip's for preventing CRAMPS & INJURY:

Make it a point to take some laxative 2 days before the Marathon, to clean out your stomach, and allow efficient absorption of nutrients by the stomach lining & to get rid of certain acids produced during digestion, which facilitate CRAMPS.
I take Patankar Kadha with warm water 2 days before the long run at night on empty stomach.
Avoid intake of salt / salty food in the evenings, this is a cause for cramps expecially in the 30 + runners. but you should add a bit of salt & sugar to drinking water consumed just before / during / after running.

Those were some of the BASICS of running.

I would like to THANK ( late ) Mr. Manoj Mathew, my running GURU of " 7 Star Runners Club " for some valuable inputs, who used to trains with me on, THANE's Talaopali, & Also Mr. Govind Gadiyar of Thane who actually inspired me to write my running experiences, then initially i started a Running group on "Yahoo Groups" but since that did not work i created this blog.
Hope you appreciate my work.
Bye for now
Your running friend

What happens when we start running ? >>>
1) There is an increased need for Oxygen intake so we start to breath heavily; the blood rushes to all corners of the body removes harmful toxins, in fact blood carries oxygen and many other substances around your body. Oxygen from your blood reacts with sugar in your cells to make energy. The waste product of this process, carbon dioxide, is carried away from your cells in your blood.
Glucose + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy
Sugar And Oxygen Are Turned Into Carbon Dioxide And Water Releasing Energy
2) The lung & heart muscles expand & contract rapidly, due to this, first timers feel some cramps in their chests, the heart muscles are strengthened.
3) There is an increased out put of Carbon dioxide & sweat. ( Body toxins)
4) The body undergoes a lot of physical stress / pain & to combat this pain, an hormone called Endorphin is released into the blood stream by the brain. ( this has been fully explained in the above article)
5) Negative feelings / thoughts / Behavior/ sadness are slowly diminished & a certain feeling of achievement is gained, the right word is "EUPHORIC"
6) Increased physical exercise increases the amount of endorphin given out by the brain, but to feel the magic of Endorphins one must run for atleast 20 min, non stop.Exercising is one type of addiction, people who exercise regularly cannot stop, or else they feel down and at times hyper.
Benefits of increased Oxygen :
1) Increases energy levels
2) Increases stamina and endurance
3) Enhances the absorption of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins and other important nutrients.
4) Rapid fatigue recovery
5) Lowers resting heart rate
6) Kills infectious bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, but does not harm the "Good" microorganisms the body needs.
7) Relieves pain
8) Improves circulation
9) Sleep better
10) Strengthens the immune system
11) Heightens concentration and alertness
12) Increases fat metabolism resulting in loss of body fat.
13) Calms the nervous system
14) Improves memory
15) Improves chemical imbalances in the body.
16) Relieves headache
17) Accelerates healing time for injuries
18) Lowers blood pressure
19) Relieves stress and anxiety
20) Allows the body to direct enough oxygen to its primary functions without having to draw on valuable reserves.
21) Helps reverse premature aging
22) Relieves symptoms of PMS in women
23) Helps displace damaging free radicals Helps neutralize harmful toxins in cells, tissues and bloodstream.
The following, has been taken from the 'Artofliving" web site, which indeed puts in the benefits of deep breathing more beautifully.

This unique breathing practice is a potent energizer. Every cell becomes fully oxygenated and flooded with new life. Negative emotions that have been stored as toxins in the body are easily uprooted and flushed out. Tension, frustrations and anger get released. Anxiety, depression and lethargy are washed away. Both the mind and the body feel a welcome relief. After the practice, one is left calm and centered with a clearer vision of the world and of oneself. A sense of joy in the moment prevails where once again we can smile from our hearts. And when we feel good about ourselves, love flows naturally in all our relationships with others.



Dear Mike,

This is a great start. I will give my detailed comments later on. Let me say this that it will be very useful for anybody who wishes to start running.

Best of Luck


SP Gadiyar (Abhay) said...

Hi Mike

Great to meet you today. Your blog is absolutely inspiring.

Keep the good work going with more articles.

Rgds.... Abhay Gadiyar


Very informative blog. Like you mentioned each individuals constitution is different based on which that individual will have to figure out his/her individual style and capacity. The human body is very adaptive and can be trained to accomplish feats which one would think are not possible. Once you are mentally prepared to do the hard work, start enjoying the hard work, then running will become addictive - the spin off benefits are huge. I was a half miler and miler and have run for university and state a long time ago. I used to run 15 rounds of Shivaji Park in my heyday in about an hour and fifteen minutes - that is what has still given me the stamina to run long distances.


Dear All,

Just saw one Book at British Council called 'Running Repairs' which covers everything about Marathon Running. From buying shoes to tying the lace to exercise and all. I will try to borrow same and add some good points from the book to your lovely blog.

all the very best

Ashish Bakre said...

Mike, We met today morning at nike run club.You have a very infromative blog. my learning for the day was max oxgen which i will try on my next run.keep in touch ..ashish

Ashish Bakre said...

Mike, we met today morning at marine drive. Good infromation at your blog. new learning for the day was max oxygen breathing technique for me which i wil try on my next run. keep it up.

Anonymous said...

hi! it is very informataive and would like to eet you in person and talk. great job ,keep it up.